📙Known Issues

This page is a work in progress to document more prominent known issues in Railroader.

RR-133: Crash During Gameplay

A small percentage of players have encountered issues with Railroader crashing during a game session. The timing of this issue varies; for most it occurs after a few hours of gameplay.

You can recognize this crash by checking the player.log. Near the bottom you will see lines similar the following:

D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (1928 x 1080 fmt 9 aa 4), error 0x8007000e
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (1928 x 1080 fmt 9 aa 1), error 0x8007000e
D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (1928 x 1080 fmt 19 aa 4), error 0x8007000e

We aren't certain what causes this crash and its rareness on most hardware has made the source difficult to track down. It appears to be some combination of Unity and/or graphics driver interaction.

If you have difficulty running Railroader again after the crash, some players have had success with a combination of the following:

  • Reboot your computer.

  • Restart the Graphics Driver using Win + Ctrl + Shift + B.

  • In some cases players have reported needing to reinstall their graphics driver.

We will update this section as we learn more about this issue.

RR-176: Crash When Quitting

Railroader may crash if you Alt-F4 the game while it is running.

Workaround: Hit Escape and quit to the main menu before closing Railroader.

Last updated